Diamond clarity is a measure of minute defects on the outside and inside of the stone. Inclusions are internal faults, whereas blemishes are external flaws. Most inclusions are imperceptible to the naked eye, thus they have little impact on a diamond's beauty.

Gemologists often refer to inclusions as "internal characteristics" rather than flaws. It is also worth noting that diamonds with the fewest and smallest inclusions have the highest clarity grades, which translate into higher costs.

Diamond Clarity Scale

Diamond clarity is assessed by analyzing the quantity, size, relief, nature, and position of these qualities, as well as how they affect the overall appearance of the stone. When determining the optimal clarity for a diamond, keep in mind that no diamond is absolutely pure. However, as it gets closer to pure, the clarity improves. The Diamond Clarity Scale has categories, some of which are divided, resulting in a total of specified grades.

Diamond Clarity Grade Chart: Diamond clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of the stone, graded by the visibility under 10-power magnification.

How Does Diamond Clarity Affect Price?

Clarity is one of the most important factors in determining a diamond's price. That should be one of your first concerns when purchasing a diamond. Clarity generally indicates how perfect the diamond is. The clarity grade assigned to a diamond should coincide with the amount of imperfections apparent under magnification. Diamond costs will vary depending on this number.

Grades I1-I3 are on the lower end of the clarity spectrum. The highest rating on the scale is FL, which indicates that there are no visible faults on the inside or beneath the surface of the stone. Stones rated IF (internally flawless) and FL (flawless) are extremely rare and are expected to command premium prices.

Diamond Clarity Affecting Price: A clarity grade is assigned based on the overall appearance of the stone under ten times magnification.