Consider Using An Existing Ring's Dimensions


Identify and mark the two broadest points of the ring, as illustrated in the image provided.


Measure the width in mm


Find the corresponding size in the chart.

Finding the Perfect Fit: A Ring Size Guide

A ring is an accessory that is universal and has been worn by women and men for centuries, meaning it is a token of love or simply as a piece of ornament. However choosing the correct size of the ring is not always that easy or simple. A ring that is loose may come off and perhaps be lost while one that is tight tends to be uncomfortable and sometimes can cause some sort of circulatory interference.

Here in this guide, you will be able to learn three easy home-based methods of how you can get your ring size, and what to do if your ring doesn’t fit right.

How to Measure Your Ring Size

There are three main ways to measure your ring size at home:Here are three ways you can take your ring size in the comfort of your own home:

  • Using an existing ring: The best method of identifying your ring size in situations where there is a ring to be worn adjacent to the new one and such a ring fits well in the finger where the new ring is to be worn on. 
  • Asking for help from friends or family: You do not normally wear your ring to be sized. If you do not get a good fit, you may borrow a ring from your friend or from any member of your family for the sizing purpose. But any ring you select for engraving must be the same width as the ring that is intended to be used.
  • Using a free ring sizer: Most of the jewelers provide a printable ring sizer option where you can get a printable sizer and print it at home. These sizers commonly include a strip of paper with various-sized rings on it. The sizer can be easily cut then just slide the ring on your finger and once the two ends meet that would be your ring size.

Tips for Accurate Measurement

  • Measure your finger at the end of the day: This means that finger sizes tend to increase slightly with time; thus, it is recommendable to take the measurements later in the day when the fingers are slightly swollen.
  • Measure in warm weather: This is an effect of cold weather because your fingers are bound to become slightly smaller in size.
  • Measure multiple times: When measuring your finger, it is recommended that this is done a number of times to get an accurate size.
  • Consider knuckle size: If your knuckles are much more pronounced than the diameter of your finger, you may not be able to get a ring on your finger but get one a size above the diameter of the finger.

What to Do If Your Ring Doesn't Fit

If you order a ring and it doesn't fit quite right, don't worry! Bianca Clara offers free resizing within a certain time frame (usually 30 days). Just be sure to contact the jeweler before wearing the ring, as resizing a ring that has already been worn can weaken the band.


When selecting a ring, size is significant, and making sure your ring fits your finger is just as significant. These are the tips that you should be able to follow at home to measure for the right ring size.